Dear Guests,
From the moment of its creation, the Uva Nestum Wine & SPA Complex stands out with the high quality of its services, hospitality, personal touch and harmony.

Our policy for the maintenance of the hygiene in the Complex has always been of a high importance to us and we don’t compromise on the quality of the detergents and other materials used.

In the current COVID – 19 conditions it is important for us to meet the new requirements for health and sanitation norms and to guarantee the lives and the health of our guests and our team. It is just as important to meet the expectations of our guests. For your safety and security, we:

  • Introduced even stricter protocols for disinfection of all common parts, SPA center, hotel and restaurant with certified detergents according to the instructions of WHO and the Ministry of Health;
  • We placed safety barriers and hand sanitizers (disinfectants) on the territory of the whole complex;
  • We provided our staff with safety materials, masks, helmets, gloves;
  • We sterilize the menus in the restaurant using bactericide lamps.

We made some qualitative changes in the infrastructure of the Complex in compliance with the new health requirements:  

  • We changed the rotating front door with an automated portal in order to ensure greater convenience and more safety for our guests;  
  • We freshened-up all the walls in the lobby, the common parts and the front view of the hotel;
  • We fully disinfected all premises;
  • We repaired all wooden railings, benches, pergolas and barriers in the Complex;
  • We cleaned thoroughly and disinfected the whole equipment in the SPA center.

We pay special attention to the details:

  • We shortened the check-in process in order to save time for our guests and to avoid crowding at the Reception;
  • We limited the provision of printed information. All important information is broadcast on our interactive television;
  • We changed entirely our kids’ entertainment policy by investing in materials and games which allow for physical distancing but are, at the same time, educational and exciting for the kids;
  • We disinfect and wrap the handles of the umbrellas used by the guests;  
  • We disinfect the books in our library, the minibar and the shoehorns in the rooms

The most difficult thing for our team is that you, our guests, will not be able to see our smiles behind the masks. However, we believe that you could read in our eyes our warm feelings and genuine smiles towards you.
If you have additional questions concerning our safety procedures and reservation process, do not hesitate to contact us at:

The Uva Nestum Wine & SPA Team